Art 10 • Freedom of expression • Civil judgment against newspaper editor for refusal over long period to de-index article on criminal case against private individuals, easily accessible by typing names into Internet search engine • Obligation to de-index material applicable not only to Internet search engine providers but also to administrators of newspaper or journalistic archives accessible via Internet • Information on sensitive data easily accessible online for eight months after formal request to remove it by persons concerned • Sanction not excessive • No requirement to permanently remove article from Internet or to anonymise it
Marco Rizzuti: Divieto della fecondazione post mortem e diritti umani (CEDU, ricorsi n. 57307/18 – 22296/20 – 37138/20, Dalleau e altri c. Francia)
La requête concerne le refus des autorités administratives de procéder au transfert des embryons du couple que formait la requérante et son mari décédé vers l’Espagne, pays qui autorise l’insémination artificielle post mortem.